Academic journals for high school students

Academic journals

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Intergenerational Inequality of the Black Population Caused by Incarceration

Jin Lee
Western Reserve Academy


This paper explores the starting point of the intergenerational inequality of the Black population and the possible connection between inequality, eviction, incarceration, and mental health. The paper utilizes published papers and personal reflections to first find the existence of poverty in the Black population because of racial policies. Then, the paper finds the existence of two cycles: the cycle of poverty and eviction and the cycle of eviction, incarceration, and mental health. The first cycle functions by poverty resulting in eviction and eviction causing increased poverty for the evictees. The second cycle functions by eviction pressuring tenants to access illegal income sources and by putting evictees in a dangerous or risky environment; both negative results of eviction that can lead to incarceration, which, in turn, results in mental illness and higher risk of re-incarceration and eviction after release. The connection of the poverty of the Black population and the two cycles, means intergenerational inequality is passed down, remaining unbreakable without outside help. The U.S government should plan to execute long-term policy reforms as well as to raise awareness of the inequality and its consequences to the general population.

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