Academic journals for high school students

Academic journals

Introducing academic journals for high school students

Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst, The Masters in Disguise

Hyeseon Kim
North London Collegiate School Jeju


Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst are two of the most influential artist in the contemporary art, stemming from the East Village Art movement and Young British Artist who have both followed in the footsteps of Andy Warhol, to create a niche in the art market that doesn’t just satisfy the artistic needs, but also increase the value placed on the artwork created. Both artists have been at odds with the art world, and stirred up controversy, being reviewed as a disgrace to the artists and cultural entrepreneurs, and lambasted by critics due to not making their art. Koons and Hirst have a knack for self-promotion and recognize the potential to promote art for the sake of money, disguised as an art, and that necessarily does not make them less of an artist. The review looks into the life, and work of both artists, and attempts to review the work in light of the definition of contemporary art.

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