Academic journals for high school students

Academic journals

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Tracking Air Pollution: Solutions From 3 Developed Cities

Alex Hyun
Seoul International School


The research paper examines the trajectory of three cities that have been affected by air pollution and continue to deal with it today. Tokyo, Oslo, and Los Angeles are seminal case studies that show how effective governmental policies can tackle pollution caused by industrialization. I analyze the methods each city used and propose the compilation of a database designed to help developing countries who are going through the same growing pains already experienced by mature economies. The database will allow countries to cherry-pick policies and initiatives that can produce optimal outcomes for their individual needs. The takeaways from an expansive city like Los Angeles may not necessarily be beneficial for highly dense urban municipalities, but other aspects of their environmental measures may be useful. The three cities used as case studies attempted to resolve air pollution and had varying levels of success. Perhaps most impressive was Oslo’s bold and aggressive push for electric cars, as the research showed that electric cars were paradigm-shifting and market-altering. Developed economies also have much to gain from the establishment of an air pollution database, as it is an issue that must still be dealt with in a meaningful way in order to combat climate change. This research paper has the potential to help both developing and developed countries in facing this gargantuan task.

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